Freitag, 23. September 2011

Quatre-quarts Recipe (Quatre-quarts Rezept)

Today I'm going to show you a very easy cake with only a few ingredients! You should really try it out.

It's a French Quatre-Quarts and with my 8 years of French I am actually able to translate this one into "Four Quarters", which they call it because you use the same amount of the four main ingredients.

Quatre Quarts for a square cake pan of ca. 8cm x 20cm x 10cm (530kcal /serving (four) )

130g butter
130g sugar
130g eggs
130g flour
10g baking powder
optional vanilla essence

1. Take the butter out of the fridge and let stand until soft.
2. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
3.  Sieve the flour into a bowl. Add the baking powder and mix.
4. Beat the eggs.
5. Now knead the butter in a big bowl. Add the sugar, then the eggs, the vanilla and finally the flour. With a whisk, mix well.
6. Lay your baking pan with baking paper - it should fit perfectly.
7. Pour the dough inside the pan. Knock the pan a few times on a hard ground to remove the air from the dough.
8. Place in your oven and bake for about 40 minutes.
9. If done, place it on a grill and let cool down a bit. Then take the cake out of the pan, remove the paper and let cool down completely.
10. Cut in ca. 2cm thick pieces and done!

Bon Appetit!

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